Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Netflix rolls out the new friends features

The Netflix Community Blog has info on the latest incarnation of the friends feature. In the comments there seems to be two camps: those that are gung-ho about and those with various levels of privacy concern. My opinion weighs in on the whatever side. I don't have any friends, as you can see from the lack of comments on this blog LOL. So the changes and features do not really impact me. In all honesty, I find the whole thing nothing more than a strange voyeuristic experiment. Many claim that they find movie ideas from peeping tom their neighbors queue, but I have my doubts. That being said, whatever Netflix wants to do with their community is up to them. If the friends section stagnates from privacy concerns then it will be changed. If it blossoms then those introverted renters will have to withdrawl to the shadows like the rest of us geeks.

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