Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tis the season for Netflix delays

Ahh tis the season, and the USPS is soon to be slammed with holiday well wishers and all the accompanying mail. I live about 100 miles from a Netflix distribution center and I usually get a 3 day turn around. One day there, one day processing, one day back. I've been a Netflix subscriber for about 4 years now and each year around this time the transit time gets a little longer. Last year my Holiday turn around ran from 4-5 days, now this is not Netflix fault, it all falls on the shoulders of the Post Office...but I guess it is to be expected. How is your turn around this time of year?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough at Christmas our netflix service got better. By that I mean they were sending me movies that supposedly had a long wait for me. Merry Christmas to me lol. Now its the New Year and a movie that has just been released is coming to me tomorrow. Has Netflix turned over a new leaf. :) I waited a good two months to see Wild Hogs when it came out back in the fall so its nice to not have to wait for a just released movie. However I am still not really getting unlimited movies as they say I will. In fact I get about two a week but thats good enough for me.